MOTIONDR. is one of the few facilities in Taiwan providing a professional running analysis, shoe assessment and running shoe prescription service.
Since most running-related problems begin or worsen while we're walking or running, a running analysis offers the most effective way to diagnose these problems.

A running analysis uses the very latest sport medicine knowledge in combination with modern technology to assess and identify the underlying causes of common running problems.

Since most running-related problems begin or worsen while we're walking or running, a running analysis provides the most effective way to diagnose their cause. A person’s running movement is difficult to analyze by observation alone. The stride movement involved is very complex, with many hidden factors playing a role behind the scenes, and in addition, each stride takes only 0.35 to 0.4 seconds. The movement is so fast that the human eye has difficulty catching and identifying all the component details of such action.

Motion analysis gives us the opportunity to see exactly how your foot and ankle respond to different types of shoe, in order to recommend a shoe that best fits each individual runner.

A running analysis involves an evaluation of the movement range of various joints, muscle flexibility, muscle strength, and posture to identify any abnormalities or problems. It also includes motion analysis using digital video equipment to record images from different angles simultaneously which allows us to make an in-depth analysis of slow motion and action sequences.

A footwear assessment is included. Where appropriate, we can compare different running shoes. Motion analysis lets us see exactly how your foot and ankle respond to different types of shoe, and we can recommend shoes that best fits each individual runner. A training exercise plan is also given and necessary, we can design and provide custom-made foot orthoses.

Synchronization of
running motion capture and foot pressure

Running motion analysis
from different angles

Running shoes analysis

A comprehensive running analysis consists of:
  • Detailed functional evaluation of alignment, range of joint movement, muscle flexibility, and muscle strength
  • Video running capture from different angles
  • Computerized foot pressure measurements, including pressure distribution and timing
  • Integration and interpretation of the findings
  • Expert review of the results and then recommendations